5 Ways to Help Kids Through a Military Change of Station


Moving to a new home can be a major disruption 和 transition for the entire family—和 one of the biggest challenges is getting your children settled into their new place 和 routine. For military families who experience a change of station often, this is especially difficult. 

军人家庭的普通孩子 moves six to nine times throughout their school career, according to the Department of Defense Educational Partnership Branch. While many kids are resilient 和 bounce back from a move both socially 和 academically, some may require more advance planning to create positive feelings about having to move. Below are some tips to help the permanent change of station transition happen more smoothly for your family.

1. 了解孩子对搬家的感受

Big feelings may come up for your child when you’re getting ready to move. 的y may feel sad, scared, angry, or a combination of these emotions. Help your child feel safe to express themselves 和 be prepared to listen. Acknowledge 和 validate their feelings by helping them to feel seen, 听到, 和理解, 谈论他们的感受是可以的. This can help them feel better about the current move 和 help them develop stronger emotional intelligence in the long run.

2. 参观你的新家

A change of station for kids can bring about a lot of uncertainty. 让你的孩子感觉更舒服, 带他们去参观你的新家, 社区, 如果可能的话还有学校. Explore your new area together 和 pick out some potential favorite spots. If you are going to be stationed far away or overseas 和 it’s not possible to visit, you could try to calm your child’s nerves or generate excitement about the move by visiting your new town online. 只要看看你的新家, 你可以探索附近的公园, 操场, 库, 餐厅, 冰淇淋店, 和更多的.

3. 允许孩子做一些决定

Moving to a new place can make your child feel like they have very little control over their environment, 导致更焦虑的感觉. To appease this, try to give your child some choices along the way. 无论是为他们的卧室选择新的变频器, 哪些物品可以带走或送人, 或者他们想和哪些朋友保持联系, these seemingly little decisions can go a long way in helping your child feel empowered 和 smoothing the path to your new future.

4. 与其他军人家庭建立联系

的re are many resources for military families experiencing a permanent change of station, including in-person support groups 和 online support networks. 的 国家正规买球十大平台目录军事OneSource 能帮你在新地区找到支持团体吗. Each branch of the military also has Family Readiness Groups that provide a forum for developing friendships 和 sharing experiences 和 information. Connecting with folks in a similar situation can help you feel more settled in your new community 和 can lead to strong friendships for everyone in the family.

5. 考虑让你的孩子上网络学校

Starting a new school can be one of the most stressful aspects of moving for kids. However, enrolling in an online school can make these transitions for miliary families a bit easier. Some reasons online school may be a good fit for your family include:

  • 它的移动. You can be anywhere in the world with internet access 和 your child can log in to complete school with age-level peers.

  • 在线学校提供连续性. Online school is available for children in grades K–12. 无论你住在哪里, your child can continue his or her education with a stronger sense of continuity than if they were enrolled in in-person schools.

  • 学习中断的风险更小. 一项由皮尔逊进行的研究 in 2019 compared the performance of similar populations of students in traditional brick-和-mortar schools 和 online schools who have moved over their academic careers. 的 study found that online students did just as well as children in traditional schools in math 和 reading.  

  • 的re is the opportunity for more parental involvement. Online school allows parents 和 caregivers to take an active role in their child’s coursework, progress, 作为一名学习教练. Even deployed parents can access their child’s lessons, 学习资料, 和 grades easily by logging into the learning platform. 

Choosing the right school depends on both your child’s needs 和 your family situation. 要了解更多信息, 下载我们的免费电子指南 或者采取 the quiz to discover if online school is the right choice for you.

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